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Adventure Golfpark

… is a new way of playing minigolf. In this natural surrounding 18 golf courses on over 3,000qm become a wonderful experience. All hurdles are of typical materials from the Black Forest: The ball goes over wood pieces, water, between walls or rocks. There are two courses in Schneckentäle and Poppeltal, where you work your way through a distance of over 30 m.

The success of the game result from the skilfullness, strategic approach, as well as a potion luck. Play adventure minigolf as you have never experienced before. Use our attractive family rate. The Adventure-Golfpark can be visited with the Black Forest Guest Card for free. Our exellent gastronomy invites you to a cosy retreat after the game.

Opening hours:

Season opening / pre-season
The park opens - in case of suitable weather conditions - on Maundy Thursday and is open until the end of April from Tuesday to Sunday and on public holidays from 10 am to 6 pm.

Summer season
From 01 May to 14 September the park is open from Tuesday to Sunday and on public holidays from 10 am to 8 pm. Floodlit golfing possible until 10 p.m. on request.

Late season
From 15 September to 31 October the park is open from Tuesday to Sunday and on public holidays from 10 am to 6 pm.

Closed: Monday (except holidays)

Contact address

  • Frau Nicolette Kern
  • Wildbader Straße 11
  • 75337 Enzklösterle
  • Telephone: +49 7085 920349
  • Fax: +49 7085 1398